Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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JUL 16, 2009 Podcast

Interview with Sarah Greenberg

Sarah GreenbergĀ discusses the social and environmental risks that companies sometimes take and how these can affect the bottom line. Tobacco is a prime example. ...

JUL 16, 2009 Podcast

The Practical Idealism Project: Stories from the Field

How can you help change the world, and get paid for doing it? Alissa Wilson shares what she learned from interviewing scores of practical idealists, ...

Joel Rosenthal

JUL 14, 2009 Podcast

"The Current" Interviews Joel Rosenthal

Carnegie Council president Joel Rosenthal shares his thoughts on the mission and work of the Carnegie Council, the new administration, the future of realism, and ...

JUL 10, 2009 Podcast

Russia and U.S.-Russia Relations: David Speedie Interviews Ambassador Thomas Pickering

Ambassador Thomas Pickering discusses Russia's role in the unfolding events in Iran and other potential areas of cooperation between Russia and the United States, including ...

JUL 10, 2009 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Military Intervention and Democracy?

Is it ever ethical to violate a democratic constitution? If the rationale for military intervention is to save democracy, does that make it legitimate?