Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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MAY 15, 2009 Podcast

Devin Stewart Interviews Kazumasa Iwata

Kazumasa Iwata, head of the Japanese Cabinet Office's Economic and Social Research Institute, discusses moving towards a low-carbon society, Japan's response to the financial crisis, ...

MAY 15, 2009 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Is the Free Market Central to America's Future?

New York is no longer viewed as the financial capital of the world, or even of the United States. Given the recent government intervention in ...

The Global Deal: Climate Change and the Creation of a New Era of Progress and Prosperity

MAY 15, 2009 Podcast

The Global Deal: Climate Change and the Creation of a New Era of Progress and Prosperity

Renowned economist Lord Nicholas Stern estimates that it will cost only about 2 percent of global GDP to control climate changeĀ at manageable levels by 2050. But ...

MAY 13, 2009 Podcast

The Crisis of Islamic Civilization

What caused the decline of Islamic civilization and how can it be revived? Ali A. Allawi lays out key principles that could make it flourish ...

MAY 11, 2009 Podcast

After President Obama's Visit to Europe: U.S. Relations with the EU, NATO, and Russia

Distinguished German statesman Karsten Voigt discusses the German political mindset, which grew out of its situation after World War II; Obama's popularity in Germany; and ...