Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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Some organizations voluntarily adopt <br>whistleblower protections. Photo by <br><a href="http://flickr.com/photos/alf07/2782258974/?">Álfheiður Magnúsdóttir</a> (<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/deed.en">CC</a>).

DEC 15, 2008 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: Raising the Bar for Hedge Funds

Calls for strict oversight of hedge funds have grown recently, particularly since the arrest of trader Bernard Madoff and other high-profile fraud cases. While new ...

Network Power: The Social Dynamics of Globalization

DEC 12, 2008 Podcast

Network Power: The Social Dynamics of Globalization

How can we understand the dynamics of globalization? Author David Singh Grewal explains that the idea of network power supplies a coherent set of terms ...

DEC 12, 2008 Podcast

Devin Stewart Interviews Chong-Pin Lin

Dr. Lin discusses Taiwan's current political crisis; relations with China; climate change; the future of democracy in East Asia; what Obama's presidency may mean for ...

DEC 12, 2008 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Robots, the Battlefield, and Ethics

Can intelligent robot soldiers be designed to be more ethical in battle than human soldiers? Would you prefer a robot or a human deciding about ...

DEC 11, 2008 Podcast

Creative Capitalism: A Conversation with Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and other Economic Leaders

Michael Kinsley and William Easterly discuss Bill Gates's controversial proposal for "creative capitalism," in which big corporations integrate doing good into their way of doing ...