Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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DEC 17, 2007 Podcast

A Megacommunity at Work on Great Barrier Reef

Christopher Kelly explains how business leaders launched the Great Barrier Reef Foundation to coordinate scientific research and protect the ecosystem. Gradually a megacommunity formed around ...

DEC 17, 2007 Podcast

Responsible Profit: Crafting a Fair Climate Agreement

Nikhil Chandavarkar of the UN says Developed countries focus on mitigation and absolute emissions levels, whereas developing countries cite their low per capita emissions and ...

CREDIT: &copy; <a href="http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/feature/2009/09/03/world-bank-group-president-robert-b-zoellick-china-day-4">World Bank/Wu Zhiyi</a>.

DEC 12, 2007 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: Can "Responsible Stakeholder" Hold?

Two years ago, Robert Zoellick gave a celebrated speech that urged China to become a "responsible stakeholder" in the international system. This comment has come ...

DEC 12, 2007 Podcast

Pakistan: The Struggle Between Politics and Extremism

Created as a Muslim state 60 years ago this August, Pakistan is in crisis, wrestling with Draconian laws, the conflict between secularism and Islam, and an ...

DEC 12, 2007 Podcast

Trade Imbalance: The Struggle to Weigh Human Rights Concerns in Trade Policymaking

Is trade the best tool to achieve human rights objectives? Which human rights and for whom? Do trade agreements enhance or undermine the process? Susan ...