Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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MAY 18, 2007 Article

U.S. Should Not Waver on U.K. Visa Policy

In the interests of security, should the U.S. end the visa waiver for British Muslims? The cost is far too high, says Frank Spring, ...

MAY 18, 2007 Podcast

Jere Van Dyk Discusses Afghanistan

Jere Van Dyk talks about Afghanistan past and present, the resurgence of the Taliban, and the possible whereabouts of Osama bin Laden.

America Against the World

MAY 15, 2007 Podcast

America Against the World: How We Are Different and Why We Are Disliked

Once America was considered the champion of democracy, but now we are seen as a militant hyperpower. Why has the world turned against America and ...

The Price of Liberty: Paying for America

MAY 10, 2007 Podcast

The Price of Liberty: Paying for America's Wars

Hormats compares the fiscal policies made in previous American wars to those of the current administration and argues that today's decisions place America's future at ...

Protest in Cairo. CREDIT: <a href="http://flickr.com/photos/zarwan/153534199/">E. Zarwan</a> (<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/" target=_blank>CC</a>).

MAY 9, 2007 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Briefings: Realist Democracy Promotion

Democracy's positive contributions to quality of life have caused some to elevate it to the status of a universal value. But universal value does not ...