Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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Map depicting China's Belt and Road Initiative. CREDIT: <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:One-belt-one-road.svg">Lommes (CC)</a>.

JUL 9, 2021 Podcast

The Doorstep: China in the Middle East & U.S. Foreign Policy, with Asha Castleberry-Hernandez

What is China up to in the Middle East? How is its massive Belt and Road infrastructure project affecting U.S. foreign policy and American ...

JUL 7, 2021 Podcast

Soft Law Approaches to AI Governance

In this Artificial Intelligence & Equality podcast, Senior Fellow Anja Kaspersen speaks with Arizona State's Gary Marchant and Carlos Ignacio Gutierrez about their work characterizing soft ...

JUN 30, 2021 Article

“AI Governance”: A Black Gen Z-er’s Two Cents on The Conversation

The emerging position is for governments to be at the apex of the governance regime when it comes to AI. This is being signaled by ...

JUN 29, 2021 Podcast

The Ethics of Global Vaccine Distribution, Part One, with Cécile Fabre

As we enter the summer of 2021, some nations are seeing vaccination rates of around 50 percent, effectively ending the imminent threat of COVID-19; others are still ...

JUN 24, 2021 Podcast

AI & Equality Initiative: Think Before You Code

ThinkTech is an independent nonprofit association, started by and for students, young technologists, and professionals working to shape the impact of artificial intelligence and other ...