Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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DEC 7, 2006 Podcast

Can and Should Trade Be Used to Promote Human Rights, Fairness? Part 1

Edward Lincoln traces and assesses trends that have made economics more important since the 1960s and the forces in business, technology, and government that have ...

DEC 7, 2006 Podcast

Procedural and Substantive Fairness in Trade Negotiations

Junji Nakagawa argues in favor of greater participation and substantive fairness, including development assistance, for developing countries in trade negotiations.

DEC 7, 2006 Podcast

Developing Economy Dependence on Natural Resource Trade

Keith Slack looks at the dependence on natural resource trade among developing economies and the paradox of governance as a remedy to the resource curse. ...

DEC 7, 2006 Podcast

Price and Technology Opportunities in Managing Energy Resources

David Dell explores how we can move from an economy that is based on burning fossil fuels to one that is based on an exchange ...

DEC 7, 2006 Podcast

Global Civil Society Mechanisms for Creating Fairer Trade

Michael Conroy argues that while the multilateral trade regime is not designed for fair, moral, or sustainable trade, global civil society has created mechanisms that ...