Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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DEC 7, 2006 Podcast

Coherence, Sanctions, and Human Rights Objectives

Sakiko Fukuda-Parr focuses on human rights obligations across borders and the problem of sanctions as the instrument for human rights objectives.

DEC 7, 2006 Podcast

Fairness and Export Subsidies in Global Trade

Mathias Risse talks about how fairness issues arise around export subsidies and concludes that, from a domestic policy point of view, subsidies are similar to ...

DEC 7, 2006 Podcast

A Critical Perspective on the Natural Resource Curse

Sanjay Reddy offers a skeptical view on the association in economic literature of natural resource export dependence and low economic growth.

DEC 7, 2006 Podcast

Global Institutions and the Role of Resources

Thomas Pogge analyzes the increase in global inequality and asserts that global factors, as well as local factors, help explain differential success. He focuses on ...

DEC 7, 2006 Podcast

Reconciling Business Ethics Approaches

Rodin discusses how private businesses can reconcile the tensions between the stake-holder approach and the shareholder approach.