Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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JUL 25, 2006 Article

The False Dilemma of the Sweatshop

Poorer countries can avoid a trade-off between enhancing labour standards and taking full advantage of job-creating production and trading opportunities if current international trade rules ...

JUL 18, 2006 Podcast

G-8 Summit Briefing

What was really accomplished at the St. Petersburg G-8 meeting? Can the G-8 really cope with the pressing issues of the day, from energy security ...

JUL 17, 2006 Podcast

Christopher Avery Interviewed by Devin Stewart

Christopher Avery and Devin Stewart discuss the evolution of the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre, a group dedicated to promoting greater awareness of corporate ...

JUL 13, 2006 Article

We Could Fight Drugs Together

In the growing confrontation between the United States and Iran, there is one area which has been overlooked and could provide an area of mutual ...

JUN 29, 2006 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: Human Rights Must Be a Consideration for Economic Development Organizations

It is often argued that organizations that deal with economic development should avoid human rights issues because the two topics are distinct. This argument holds ...