Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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America and the Challenges of Religious Diversity by Robert Wuthnow

OCT 11, 2005 Podcast

America and the Challenges of Religious Diversity

Princeton Professor Robert Wuthnow asks whether we are willing to do the hard work required to achieve genuine religious diversity and understanding.

OCT 6, 2005 Podcast

The E-Bomb

"Directed-energy weapons"--lasers, high-powered microwaves, and particle beams--used to be the stuff of science fiction, says J. Douglas Beason. But now they’re a reality, ...

OCT 6, 2005 Podcast

Ending Tyranny in Iraq: A Debate

Was the war in Iraq a humanitarian intervention? Yes, argues Tesón. What’s important is that it rid the world of a dictator. No, ...

SEP 27, 2005 Podcast

Imperial Grunts: The American Military on the Ground

Robert D. Kaplan provides an insider's account of our current involvement in world affairs, as well as painting a vivid picture of how defense policy ...