Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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MAY 31, 2005 Article

SPECIAL REPORT: The Spread of Democracy

Not long ago democracy was seen as a luxury, a system feasible only under certain economic and cultural conditions. The explosion of democratic movements ...

The New American Militarism

MAY 17, 2005 Podcast

Conversation with Andrew Bacevich on "The New American Militarism"

"Family values", says Bacevich, used to apply to domestic politics; "but today this concept is aligned with a foreign policy agenda based on a belief ...

The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by War

MAY 17, 2005 Podcast

The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by War (2005)

Bacevich argues that military force has increasingly become the preferred instrument of American foreign policy, a process that began not with 9/11, but with the end ...

MAY 13, 2005 Podcast

Democracy and Armed Intervention: Conversation with David Rieff

David Rieff talks about how his views have changed on intervention.