Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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APR 6, 2005 Podcast

The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century

Globalization, particularly outsourcing, is leveling the playing field around the world, says columnist Thomas Friedman, making India a major player.

The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time

MAR 30, 2005 Podcast

The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time

In this 2005 talk, Jeffrey Sachs, director of the New Millennium Project, proposes ways to end extreme poverty all over the world within the next 20 years.

MAR 28, 2005 Article

The Ethical Limits to Preventive War

The purpose of this research is to examine if there is in fact a general democratic anti-preventive war norm, to what extent this norm might ...

MAR 28, 2005 Article

The Rockefeller Foundation in Sardinia: Pesticide Politics in the Struggle Against Malaria

By most accounts within and beyond Italy today, the Rockefeller Foundation freed Sardinia of malaria, catalyzing the island's subsequent economic miracle. Yet malaria is an ...

Rwanda to Darfur

MAR 18, 2005 Article

Rwanda to Darfur

"Are all humans human, or are some more human than others?" asks Roméo Dallaire.