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NOV 19, 2001 Article

Feature Articles from Inprint Newsletter (2001–2004): Milosevic in The Hague: Trial or Error?

The Milosevic case sends a powerful message to other would-be tyrants that they, too, could be held accountable for their crimes. Yet some find this ...

NOV 13, 2001 Podcast

The New Moral Climate for the Use of Force

The U.S. needs new rules of force to fight President Bush's "war on terror" and 21st century threats, says General Shelton in his keynote ...

NOV 13, 2001 Article

Feature Articles from Inprint Newsletter (2001–2004): Kosovar Youth Learns to Live with Peace

The documentary "A Normal Life" paints a picture of post-war Kosovo through the eyes of its characters, all of whom speak directly to the camera ...

OCT 20, 2001 Article

The Ethics of the "New War" in the Aftermath of 9/11

The U.S.-led coalition against terrorism has begun bombing Taliban targets in Afghanistan. But will this achieve its aims, or merely provoke the terrorists ...

Julie Mertus

OCT 16, 2001 Podcast

Considering Elections in Kosovo: Lessons Learned from Bosnia

An edited transcript of remarks delivered by Julie Mertus, an expert on international law and the Balkans, at a 10/16/01 Council-sponsored Balkans Forum at Georgetown University.