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APR 6, 2000 Article

Human Rights Dialogue (1994–2005): Series 2, No. 2 (Spring 2000): Litigating Human Rights: Promise v. Perils: Articles: Resisting Litigation in Umm El-Fahem

Several months after the Israeli Defense Forces informed residents of Umm El-Fahem that some of their lands were to become a military firing range, the ...

APR 6, 2000 Article

Human Rights Dialogue (1994–2005): Series 2, No. 2 (Spring 2000): Litigating Human Rights: Promise v. Perils: Articles: Caught in the Claws of the Rich: The Struggle of the Mapalad Farmers

Even with legal knowledge and public support, the law is a double-edged sword: It protects the interests of the poor and implements reforms, but it ...

APR 6, 2000 Article

Human Rights Dialogue (1994–2005): Series 2, No. 2 (Spring 2000): Litigating Human Rights: Promise v. Perils: Articles: Introduction: Human Rights Litigation: Promise v. Perils

This issue of Human Rights Dialogue examines human rights litigation as one aspect of the “human rights box.” It also seeks to investigate ways ...

APR 6, 2000 Article

Human Rights Dialogue (1994–2005): Series 2, No. 2 (Spring 2000): Litigating Human Rights: Promise v. Perils: Articles: Big Oil in Louisiana and a Community's Bottom Line

"Everyone was sick–sore throats, burning eyes, headaches, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea. Convoys of trucks were bringing in waste daily, and the smell was everywhere. In ...