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FEB 11, 1994 Article

Privatization Project (1991–1994): The Politics of Privatization in Argentina

The process of privatization provides the tool most needed to keep both the economy and politics working: it provides confidence and trust from the people--and ...

JAN 26, 1994 Article

Privatization Project (1991–1994): Facing Up: What We Need to Do to Get Our Economic Act Together

If we in the United States are to get our long-term economic act together, we must address three imperatives: economic, moral, and political.

JAN 19, 1994 Article

Privatization Project (1991–1994): Privatization: It Can and Does Work

With privatization, employees no longer think about how they might just "get through the week," but rather that they had "better shape up" or "wind ...

NOV 29, 1993 Article

Privatization Project (1991–1994): The Various Roads to a Private Economy

"Entrepreneurs respond whenever you lift restrictions. One can say that the private market economy is a natural state of society."

OCT 22, 1993 Article

Privatization Project (1991–1994): Reinventing Government: Public Employees' Perspectives

"We must rebuild the social compact, the belief that government can and should serve all the people of this nation."