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DEC 10, 1992 Article

Privatization Project (1991–1994): The Politics of Russia's Privatization Program

The Russian privatization program is overtly political. To make privatization work, managers, local governments, and workers' collectives need incentives to push for it.

NOV 20, 1992 Article

Privatization Project (1991–1994): Moving Municipal Services Into the Marketplace

"The antithesis of populism is when government taxes its citizens, takes money out of their pockets, and says it knows how to spend their money ...

OCT 20, 1992 Article

Privatization Project (1991–1994): The Case for Structural Reform Through Private Innovation

"America's future will tend inevitably and inexorably to reflect the quality or the absence of quality of our schools."

OCT 16, 1992 Article

The Politics and Ethics of Global Environmental Leadership

At this second U.S.-Japan Task Force seminar, delegates and observers of UNCED explored the underlying ethical concerns at Rio, points of convergence relating ...

OCT 5, 1992 Article

Privatization Project (1991–1994): The Role of Private Property in Development

"The word 'privatization' doesn't work when you're talking about the private rights of poor people. In my country the terminology's all wrong. It is associated ...