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APR 7, 1992 Article

Whose Environmental Standards? Clarifying the Issues of Our Common Future

At this first meeting of the U.S.-Japan Task Force on the Environment, 34 international environment specialists, political scientists, U.S.-Japan policy analysts, and ...

APR 6, 1992 Article

Privatization Project (1991–1994): From "Confusion Economics" to a Market Economy: The Only Way for Sweden

Sweden must implement radical economic changes. Obstacles to foreign investment, government regulations, state-owned companies, monopolies and discriminatory policies against small businesses must be removed.

MAR 20, 1992 Article

Privatization Project (1991–1994): Privatization: Misconceptions, Glib Answers, and Lessons

Privatization is changing the face of the world and, "just as we must rethink what we used to assume about the extent and importance of ...

FEB 28, 1992 Article

Privatization Project (1991–1994): Privatization: Opportunities for New York

"What is amazing is that this country, which was the teacher of the world on what private individuals can do, has become the student."

JAN 31, 1992 Article

Privatization Project (1991–1994): Privatization in the United States

"Opposition to privatization is entrenched on Capitol Hill, and those that are threatened by privatization lobby very hard to retain their priviliged position."