Applied Ethics

Framing ethical perspectives

Applied ethics refers to the practical applications of the moral principles that govern behavior. Carnegie Council focuses on this field, mostly through the realm of international affairs, by identifying and addressing the most critical ethical issues of today and tomorrow. Our initiatives, content, and experts analyze the way that governments, institutions, and individuals interact and make choices on global issues, such as climate change, emerging technology, and governance.

Featured Applied Ethics Resources

Practical conversations, decision analysis, and more

JUL 5, 2023 Article

A Framework for the International Governance of AI

Carnegie Council, in collaboration with IEEE, proposes a five-part AI governance framework to enable the constructive use of AI.

APR 12, 2022 Podcast

Surveillance Tech's Infinite Loop of Harms, with Chris Gilliard

In this discussion with Senior Fellow Arthur Holland Michel, Chris Gilliard explains why the arc of surveillance technology and novel AI bends toward failures that ...

Explore Our Applied Ethics Resources

JAN 30, 2018 Podcast

"Modern Slavery" with Siddharth Kara

In his third book on slavery, which took 16 years of research, Siddharth Kara calculates that there are roughly 31 million slaves worldwide, at least half of ...

CREDIT: <ahref="">Stanley Zimney</a> (<a href="">CC</a>)

JAN 30, 2018 Article

A Liberal Democracy Doesn't Fall from the Sky

"The West appears to face its end," writes Alexander Görlach. "After 70 years of hegemony, fundamental opposition carries the day in countless places. This opposition ...

Declassified FBI report: "Our confidential source ascertained (...) that the bombing of the Cubana Airlines DC-8 was planned, in part, in Caracas, Venezuela, at two meetings attended by Morales Navarrete, Luis Posada Carriles and Frank Castro." <a href=""> U.S. Government doc</a>, public domain.

JAN 16, 2018 Article

A Tangled Embrace: What the JFK Papers Tell Us about the CIA's Anti-Castro Cuban Agents

In 1976, Cubana Flight 455 was brought down by a terrorist bomb. All 72 people aboard perished. Anti-Castro terrorist and longtime CIA asset Luis Posada is widely considered ...

Mural in Skid Row, Downtown Los Angeles. CREDIT: <a href="">Stephen zeigler (CC)</a>

JAN 16, 2018 Podcast

Tackling Inequality in the United States, with "Born on Third Base" Chuck Collins

Chuck Collins grew up in a wealthy family and gave away his fortune at the age of 26, yet he realizes that he still has advantages ...

Detail from book cover

DEC 19, 2017 Article

Fantastic Voyage

As Ignatieff puts the question in his book, "Is globalization drawing us together morally? Beneath all our differences, what virtues, principles, and rules of conduct ...

ICRC and the Afghan Red Crescent Society in Faryab Province, Afghanistan, May 2006. CREDIT: <a href="">ICRC/Marcel Stoessel</a> <a href="">(CC)</a>

DEC 15, 2017 Podcast

Humanitarian Ethics and the Red Cross, with Hugo Slim

"I would say that the principle of humanity, and humanity in war even, is a global ethic. We can trace it through human history," says ...

DEC 4, 2017 Podcast

Rescue: Refugees and the Political Crisis of Our Time, with David Miliband

Today there are 65 million people who have fled their homes because of conflict or persecution, says the International Rescue Committee's David Miliband. These are refugees ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Pixabay/Public Domain</a>

NOV 29, 2017 Podcast

Bioethics and Community Engagement with Jess Holzer

Hofstra University's Jess Holzer is focused on improving public health at the community level. But she teaches that good intentions alone are not enough to ...

President Trump with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, March 2017. CREDIT: <a href="">The White House</a> (Public Domain)

NOV 28, 2017 Article

Don't Be Fooled by Cosmetic Changes: The West-Saudi Alliance Is More Morally Dubious Than Ever

"Aside from inertia and vague promises of support in fighting terrorist groups, there is little to justify the continuation of the close relationship between self-professed ...

NOV 14, 2017 Podcast

Elizabeth Economy on China, Climate Change, and the Environment

How does climate change play into Xi Jinping's larger strategy for China's economy and its role on the global stage? Xi has a vision for ...