
Framing ethical perspectives

Business and commerce are at the heart of Western capitalist societies, and they play an ever-increasing role in quasi-capitalist societies, like China. Businesses – especially the tech giants – are becoming increasingly powerful as technologies proliferate and leaders acquire once-unimaginable levels of wealth and influence. Carnegie Council’s programs, events, and experts analyze these developments through an ethical lens and strive to create and highlight communities and programs with the capabilities to hold businesses and their leaders accountable for their actions.

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Global commerce, ethical investing, and more

NOV 15, 2023 Podcast

Beijing Rules: How China Weaponized Its Economy to Confront the World, with Bethany Allen

MAR 24, 2022 Podcast

The Doorstep: How Cryptocurrencies & NFTs May Change the Global World Order, with David Yermack

NYU Stern's Professor David Yermack discusses NFTs, Ukraine, and the future of crypto with Carnegie Council Senior Fellows Nick Gvosdev and Tatiana Serafin.

MAY 6, 2022 Podcast

For Companies, Could China Be the Next Russia? with Perth Tolle

Isaac Stone Fish and finance expert Perth Tolle discuss the global economic backlash to Russia after the Ukraine invasion, China, and much more.

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CREDIT: <a href="">Colombia Travel</a> (<a href="">CC</a>).

FEB 14, 2012 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: U.S. Free Trade Agreement Won't Benefit Colombia

The now-official U.S.–Colombia Free Trade Agreement will dampen growth and make it harder for Colombia to put in place policies for innovation and ...

Joy Muthanje Mwaniki

FEB 7, 2012 Article

Honorable Mention,Undergraduate Category, "Making A Difference" Essay Contest, 2011

Third world countries pose a unique challenge; how to keep up with the world's environmental changes while still taking care of people living below the ...

JAN 27, 2012 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Made in the USA: The Return of American Manufacturing

President Obama's plan for a manufacturing revival has seen bipartisan support, but some economists are asking serious questions. Will more Americans on assembly lines stifle ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Jolie</a> (<a href="">CC</a>).

JAN 9, 2012 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Innovations: An Opportunity in Myanmar

Myanmar is ripe for social and economic innovation. A decent work and social protection agenda, combined with an industrial strategy, would help during its political ...

DEC 15, 2011 Podcast

Disruptive Management: Fostering Transparency, Dialogue, and Innovation in Today's Business Climate

Technological innovation and the spread of social media have created a bevy of new considerations for companies, such as learning how to engage in meaningful ...

DEC 6, 2011 Podcast

Ken Kraft on Leadership and Ethics Training in Financial Institutions

The two most important leadership attributes are empathy and humility, says Ken Kraft. He works with Bank of New York Mellon employees in 36 countries around ...

DEC 5, 2011 Podcast

Ethics Matter: Economist and Development Expert Jeffrey Sachs

Jeffrey Sachs discusses America's economic and moral crisis; development aid; the Occupy Wall Street movement; and the mobilization of youth around the world, fighting for ...

The Darwin Economy: Liberty Competition and the Common Good

NOV 16, 2011 Podcast

The Darwin Economy: Liberty Competition and the Common Good

Should economic policies be guided less by economist Adam Smith and more by naturalist Charles Darwin? Robert Frank thinks so, and has some provocative tax ...

NOV 15, 2011 Podcast

Justin Harlow on Political Risk and Investment in Emerging Markets

Justin Harlow discusses investing in the energy sector in emerging markets. He is the founder and managing partner of Tau Energy Partners, an energy investment ...

OCT 3, 2011 Podcast

Ethics Matter: Economist and Foreign Aid Specialist William Easterly

The best system for discovering new approaches is not to have one planner at the top trying to decide what are going to be the ...