
Framing ethical perspectives

Business and commerce are at the heart of Western capitalist societies, and they play an ever-increasing role in quasi-capitalist societies, like China. Businesses – especially the tech giants – are becoming increasingly powerful as technologies proliferate and leaders acquire once-unimaginable levels of wealth and influence. Carnegie Council’s programs, events, and experts analyze these developments through an ethical lens and strive to create and highlight communities and programs with the capabilities to hold businesses and their leaders accountable for their actions.

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Global commerce, ethical investing, and more

NOV 15, 2023 Podcast

Beijing Rules: How China Weaponized Its Economy to Confront the World, with Bethany Allen

MAR 24, 2022 Podcast

The Doorstep: How Cryptocurrencies & NFTs May Change the Global World Order, with David Yermack

NYU Stern's Professor David Yermack discusses NFTs, Ukraine, and the future of crypto with Carnegie Council Senior Fellows Nick Gvosdev and Tatiana Serafin.

MAY 6, 2022 Podcast

For Companies, Could China Be the Next Russia? with Perth Tolle

Isaac Stone Fish and finance expert Perth Tolle discuss the global economic backlash to Russia after the Ukraine invasion, China, and much more.

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ASEAN Headquarters, Jakarta. CREDIT: <a href=<"">Gunawan Kartapranata</a> via Wikipedia

AUG 23, 2016 Podcast

The "Living, Breathing Modern Miracle" of ASEAN

Southeast Asia is the most diverse region on Earth, says Kishore Mahbubani, yet instead of a clash of civilizations, ASEAN is bringing about a fusion ...

AUG 22, 2016 Podcast

The Conscious Company

Corporate leaders are increasingly aware that businesses can provide a positive (or negative) impact on the environment and community. But how can conscious companies prioritize ...

Shanghai Selfie, March 2015. CREDIT: <a href="">Terry Chapman</a> <a href="">(CC)</a>

AUG 19, 2016 Podcast

What the Realities in China Mean for U.S. Policy

A frequent visitor to China, Professor Eisenman is an astute observer of the cataclysmic changes taking place there, from the emptying-out of the countryside to ...

AUG 15, 2016 Podcast

The Conscious Consumer

Part one of this three-part series on conscious capitalism examines the role of the conscious consumer. In this episode, hear the story of a victim ...

JUN 23, 2016 Podcast

Time to Wake Up

"The story of our failure on climate change is a story of our failure to understand the truly manipulative and evil effects of money in ...

JUN 22, 2016 Podcast

Move Over, Black Swan: Here Comes the Gray Rhino

Black swans are unforeseeable, but gray rhinos are the looming threats right in front of our noses that we choose to ignore, says policy analyst ...

JUN 6, 2016 Podcast

How Rights for Indigenous Peoples Can Save the Environment

From Greenland to Kenya, indigenous peoples are fighting for their land against governments, corporations, and climate change. UN special rapporteur Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, herself an indigenous ...

A family in Enoshima, Japan. CREDIT: <a href="">J3SSL33</a> <a href="">(CC)</a>

APR 28, 2016 Podcast

Political and Cultural Challenges to Gender Parity in Japan

In the Global Gender Gap Report, Japan usually ranks around 100 out of 140 countries, says Mari Miura, a specialist on gender in Japan. The main reasons ...

APR 12, 2016 Podcast

The Geopolitics of the Iran Deal: Winners and Losers

In the short term, one of the biggest winners in the Iran deal is China, and the biggest loser is Saudi Arabia. But 10, 15 years from ...

MAR 10, 2016 Podcast

The Industries of the Future

Driverless cars, designer babies, crypto currencies, cyber warfare, pervasive "sousveillance" that erodes our privacy, often with our consent--what are the upsides and downsides of this ...