Climate Change

Framing ethical perspectives

Climate change refers to human-induced global warming, mostly due to greenhouse gas emissions, and large-scale impacts on weather patterns. As floods, droughts, and other extreme weather events become more common and certain regions turn inhospitable to humans, society is changing as well. Carnegie Council’s events, experts, and Impact Initiatives, such as the Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative (C2G) and the Model International Mobility Convention (MIMC), analyze these changes from a socio-political perspective and search for ethical solutions to, possibly, the most pressing challenges that humanity has ever faced.

Featured Climate Changes Resources

Climate governance, climate-altering technologies, and more

MAR 28, 2024 Video

Unlocking Cooperation: The Global South and Global North

In the inaugural panel of the "Unlocking Cooperation" series, Ramu Damodaran leads a discussion on forging a path forward for Global South/North collaboration.

JAN 8, 2024 Podcast

C2GTalk: Why does the world now need to consider solar radiation modification? with Kim Stanley Robinson

Many objections to solar radiation modification have been overtaken by events, says "The Ministry of the Future" author Kim Stanley Robinson in this "C2GTalk."

Explore Our Climate Change Resources

DEC 5, 2011 Podcast

Ethics Matter: Economist and Development Expert Jeffrey Sachs

Jeffrey Sachs discusses America's economic and moral crisis; development aid; the Occupy Wall Street movement; and the mobilization of youth around the world, fighting for ...

NOV 21, 2011 Podcast

Re-Imagining a Global Ethic

"A global ethic makes it possible for us to agree to disagree about ultimate questions, provided we have the philosophical clarity that comes from that ...

Detail from book cover.

OCT 31, 2011 Podcast

But Will the Planet Notice?: How Smart Economics Can Save the World

You recycle? You turn down plastic and paper? Good. But none of that will save the tuna or stop global warming. If you want to ...

Michael Bloomberg

SEP 27, 2011 Article

Sustainability Leader Michael Bloomberg

As part of our September Sustainability Month, the Carnegie Council honors Mayor Michael Bloomberg for his values-based vision and environmental leadership--both local and global.

CREDIT: <a href="" target="_blank">Sweetie 187 (CC)</a>

SEP 26, 2011 Article


What is the most important thing a person can do to have a sustainable impact? From consumer purchases to political action, how should we prioritize ...

Image of Book Cover - That Used to Be Us:  How America Fell Behind in the World It Invented and How We Can Come Back

SEP 14, 2011 Podcast

That Used to Be Us: How America Fell Behind in the World It Invented and How We Can Come Back

What can America do as it faces four major challenges--globalization, the revolution in information technology, chronic deficits, and its energy consumption?

SEP 8, 2011 Podcast

In Search of a Global Ethic

Life on earth is fast becoming a shared destiny, and a global ethic is no longer a luxury but a necessity. If we can create ...

SEP 8, 2011 Transcript

In Search of a Global Ethic

Life on earth is fast becoming a shared destiny, and a global ethic is no longer a luxury but a necessity. If we can create ...

CREDIT: Dennis Doyle, Carnegie Council

SEP 2, 2011 Article

Russia's High Ambitions and Ambivalent Activities in the Arctic

The Arctic is often seen as a no-mans-land where natural resources are up for grabs. In reality, international cooperation is working well and the regions's ...

SEP 2, 2011 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: The Keystone XL Oil Pipeline and the National Interest

A proposed Canadian pipeline would transport bitumen from the tar sands of Alberta to refineries on the Gulf Coast, crossing the border. Is Keystone XL ...