Climate Change

Framing ethical perspectives

Climate change refers to human-induced global warming, mostly due to greenhouse gas emissions, and large-scale impacts on weather patterns. As floods, droughts, and other extreme weather events become more common and certain regions turn inhospitable to humans, society is changing as well. Carnegie Council’s events, experts, and Impact Initiatives, such as the Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative (C2G) and the Model International Mobility Convention (MIMC), analyze these changes from a socio-political perspective and search for ethical solutions to, possibly, the most pressing challenges that humanity has ever faced.

Featured Climate Changes Resources

Climate governance, climate-altering technologies, and more

MAR 28, 2024 Video

Unlocking Cooperation: The Global South and Global North

In the inaugural panel of the "Unlocking Cooperation" series, Ramu Damodaran leads a discussion on forging a path forward for Global South/North collaboration.

JAN 8, 2024 Podcast

C2GTalk: Why does the world now need to consider solar radiation modification? with Kim Stanley Robinson

Many objections to solar radiation modification have been overtaken by events, says "The Ministry of the Future" author Kim Stanley Robinson in this "C2GTalk."

Explore Our Climate Change Resources

DEC 16, 2009 Article

U.S-Russia Relations and the Arctic

This set of two papers, one by a Canadian and one by a Russian, focuses on U.S.-Russian competition and cooperation in the Arctic ...

DEC 16, 2009 Article

Cold Peace: International Cooperation Takes Hold in the Arctic

Thanks to international law, there is no race for Arctic resources, nor any appetite for military confrontation. The Arctic has become a zone of quiet ...

NOV 2, 2009 Podcast

Future Challenges: The UN and the UNA. David Speedie Interviews Ambassador Thomas Miller

President and CEO of the UN Association of the USA, Ambassador Miller discusses the U.S. role in the world and the power of grass ...

OCT 9, 2009 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: When Your Island Sinks

By 2050 some estimate that climate change will displace 150 million people, but the displaced won't qualify as refugees under international law. What should be done about ...

SEP 18, 2009 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Climate Protectionism and Competitiveness

The global circulation of goods is a major source of both prosperity and carbon emissions. This short audio on ethics asks: Can trade be regulated ...

SEP 16, 2009 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Who Pays for Global Warming?

This short clip on ethics asks: Who pays to stop global warming? How to allocate emissions allowances? If people are entitled to an equal share ...

SEP 4, 2009 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Forest Preservation

How do we put value on the forests as an indispensable element of our survival? Can we balance market mechanisms with regulations and consumption with ...

Sunrise in Croatia<br>Photo by <a href="" target="_blank">Zsolt Bugarszki</a> (<a href="" target="_blank">CC</a>)

SEP 2, 2009 Article

The Emerging Alliance of World Religions and Ecology

John Grim and Mary Evelyn Tucker argue that although the world's religions have been slow to respond to our current environmental crises, their moral authority ...

AUG 28, 2009 Podcast

Ecological Intervention

Do states have a responsibility to protect the planet? If so, who would decide when environmental protection is a legitimate reason to interfere in the ...

AUG 25, 2009 Podcast

Interview with Robert S. Harrison, CEO, Clinton Global Initiative

"I hope that CGI is able to serve as the catalyst for action, the group that is essentially creating a market between companies and governments ...