
Framing ethical perspectives

Democracy is a form of government in which political control is given to the people, whether directly or through the election of governing officials. Currently, large numbers of people have lost faith in this form of government and some elected officials have been working to dismantle democratic institutions. Our programs, events, and experts strive to better understand this alarming development.

Featured Democracy Resources

State of global democracy, U.S. global engagement, and more

JUN 9, 2021 Podcast

Illiberal Democracy on the Rise: Examining Brazil, Hungary, & India

APR 19, 2022 Podcast

Why Democracy vs. Autocracy Misses the Point, with Jean-Marie Guéhenno

Senior Fellow Anja Kapsersen is joined by Professor Jean-Marie Guéhenno for a conversation about virtual communities and the advent of the age of data.

FEB 23, 2024 Article

What Do We Mean When We Talk About "AI Democratization"?

With numerous parties calling for "AI democratization," Elizabeth Seger, director of the CASM digital policy research hub at Demos, discusses four meanings of the term.

Explore Our Democracy Resources

Refugee camp in Rakhine State, Myanmar/Burma, September 2013. CREDIT: <a href="">Mathias Eick, EU/ECHO</a> <a href="">(CC)</a>

NOV 16, 2017 Podcast

The Rohingya Crisis: "Myanmar's Enemy Within" with Francis Wade

Francis Wade, author of "The Enemy Within," a new book on the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar, explains the historical background to the persecution of the ...

NOV 9, 2017 Podcast

The Rise of Duterte in the Philippines, with Richard Heydarian

Duterte is part of an arc of populism in emerging market democracies such as Turkey and India, says author Haydarian, but unlike populist movements in ...

OCT 31, 2017 Podcast

Democracy and Its Crisis, with A. C. Grayling

Representative democracy in the UK has been corrupted by the three B's, says Grayling: blackmail, bullying, and bribery. There are similar problems in the United ...

OCT 30, 2017 Podcast

False Dawn: Protest, Democracy, and Violence in the New Middle East, with Steven A. Cook

Half a decade after Arabs across the Middle East poured into the streets to demand change, hopes for democracy have disappeared in a maelstrom of ...

OCT 3, 2017 Podcast

Fake News and Google with Daniel Sieberg

How much of a threat is fake news to the average citizen? What is Google doing to counteract its spread? Learn more with this conversation ...

CRECIT: <a href="">marty1826 (Pixabay/Creative Commons)</a>

OCT 2, 2017 Podcast

After Liberal Hegemony: The Advent of a Multiplex World Order with Amitav Acharya

The liberal order was never truly a global order, and we're not entering a multipolar era either, says Amitav Acharya. It's more accurate to call ...

SEP 29, 2017 Podcast

The Ordinary Virtues: Moral Order in a Divided World

To mark Carnegie Council's Centennial, Michael Ignatieff and team set out to discover what moral values people hold in common across nations. What he found ...

Vladimir Putin visits the new Russia Today (RT) broadcasting center, 2012. CREDIT: <a href=""></a> (<a href="">CC</a>)

SEP 22, 2017 Podcast

Russian Media and Politics from Soviet Times to Putin, with Jonathan Sanders

Jonathan Sanders lived in Russia for a total of roughly 20 years, both as an academic researcher and as a journalist for CBS News, and has ...

SEP 21, 2017 Podcast

The Once and Future Liberal: After Identity Politics with Mark Lilla

"Democrats/liberals need to understand how we lost our grip on the American imagination. Why is it that we are unable to project an image ...

SEP 20, 2017 Podcast

An Uncertain Ally: Turkey Under Erdoğan's Dictatorship with David L. Phillips

"We need to face the fact that Turkey under Erdoğan has become a rogue regime," declares David L. Phillips. It's a corrupt, repressive, Islamist ...