
Framing ethical perspectives

Democracy is a form of government in which political control is given to the people, whether directly or through the election of governing officials. Currently, large numbers of people have lost faith in this form of government and some elected officials have been working to dismantle democratic institutions. Our programs, events, and experts strive to better understand this alarming development.

Featured Democracy Resources

State of global democracy, U.S. global engagement, and more

JUN 9, 2021 Podcast

Illiberal Democracy on the Rise: Examining Brazil, Hungary, & India

APR 19, 2022 Podcast

Why Democracy vs. Autocracy Misses the Point, with Jean-Marie Guéhenno

Senior Fellow Anja Kapsersen is joined by Professor Jean-Marie Guéhenno for a conversation about virtual communities and the advent of the age of data.

FEB 23, 2024 Article

What Do We Mean When We Talk About "AI Democratization"?

With numerous parties calling for "AI democratization," Elizabeth Seger, director of the CASM digital policy research hub at Demos, discusses four meanings of the term.

Explore Our Democracy Resources

Credit: <a href="" target=_blank">Wikimedia Commons</a>

FEB 3, 2012 Article

Russia Bulletin (2012): Russia Bulletin, Issue 2

David Speedie examines Russia's position on Iran; the upcoming Russian elections, including the Moscow demonstrations and the West's attitude towards them;and Jackson-Vanik and U....

Ian Bremmer

JAN 17, 2012 Podcast

Top Risks and Ethical Decisions 2012 with Ian Bremmer

What are the biggest political risks in 2012, and the associated ethical decisions? Political risk guru Ian Bremmer discusses his annual list, and his conclusions may ...

JAN 12, 2012 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Primaries and Democracy: Debating the Costs and Benefits of Primary Elections

With primary season starting up, the Republican candidates are traveling around the nation, making stump speeches, kissing babies, and spending millions. Is this staple of ...

JAN 10, 2012 Podcast

Making our Democracy Work: A Judge's View

The nine unelected justices of the U.S. Supreme Court have the power to strike down laws enacted by elected representatives. Why does the public ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Jolie</a> (<a href="">CC</a>).

JAN 9, 2012 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Innovations: An Opportunity in Myanmar

Myanmar is ripe for social and economic innovation. A decent work and social protection agenda, combined with an industrial strategy, would help during its political ...

DEC 15, 2011 Podcast

Justice for Hedgehogs

"The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing." Ronald Dworkin argues for one big thing: the unity of value. He asserts ...

DEC 9, 2011 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Occupy Moscow

With Vladimir Putin's party receiving a rebuke in the December 4th parliamentary elections, Russia is at a crossroads. With alleged voter fraud and massive protests ...

NOV 23, 2011 Podcast

Report from Iran

Dr. Larijani, Iran's secretary general of the High Council for Human Rights, describes Iran's system as a "democratic structure based on Islamic rationality," and engages ...

NOV 21, 2011 Podcast

Re-Imagining a Global Ethic

"A global ethic makes it possible for us to agree to disagree about ultimate questions, provided we have the philosophical clarity that comes from that ...

NOV 15, 2011 Podcast

Towards a More Robust Public Policy Environment in the Middle East

Dr. Alterman describes the principal challenges for the Arab Middle East states as "developing human capital and strengthening public policy environments." In aspiring to these, ...