Emerging Technology

Framing ethical perspectives

Emerging Technologies are technologies whose development and/or practical applications are still largely unrealized. If left unchecked, these technologies could exacerbate inequality and empower autocrats, destabilize society, and destroy the concept of privacy. Carnegie Council’s events, experts, and impact initiatives, such as the Artificial Intelligence & Equality Initiative (AIEI), focus on the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and related technologies and aim to map the field, illuminate topics requiring further research, and build a diverse community of experts, with the goal of ensuring that AI is developed and deployed in a just, responsible, and inclusive manner.

Featured Emerging Technology Resources

Artificial intelligence, climate-altering technologies, and more

APR 9, 2024 Video

Algorithms of War: The Use of AI in Armed Conflict

From Gaza to Ukraine, the military applications of AI are fundamentally reshaping the ethics of war. How should policymakers navigate AI’s inherent trade-offs?

MAR 27, 2024 Article

The Specter of EMP Weapons in Space

Visiting Fellow Zhanna Malekos Smith details the danger of electromagnetic pulse weapons. How can nations protect themselves from this catastrophic threat?

Explore Our Emerging Technology Resources

Internet security. CREDIT: <a href=https://pixabay.com/photos/cyber-security-online-computer-2296269/>Pixabay (CC)</a>.

JAN 31, 2020 Article

IF Internet — THEN Free

This essay written by Evgeny Nedoborskiy is the first prize winner of the undergraduate category in the 2019 student essay contest. If we want to preserve ...

Malware notification. CREDIT: <a href=https://www.flickr.com/photos/140988606@N08/28710271786/>Christoph Scholz (CC)</a>.

JAN 31, 2020 Article

Internet Regulations Are the Superbugs of Speech

This essay written by Jennifer Baek is the third prize winner of the high school category in the 2019 student essay contest. What can we learn ...

Likes. CREDIT: <a href=https://pixabay.com/illustrations/facebook-icon-like-thumb-1084449/>Pixabay (CC)</a>.

JAN 31, 2020 Article

Internet Regulation: The Responsibility of the People

This essay written by Justin Oh is the second prize winner of the high school category in the 2019 student essay contest. What have data and ...

Airline passenger uses biometric scanning technology at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta, GA. CREDIT: <a href= https://flickr.com/photos/deltanewshub/44275739610/in/album-72157704052266884/>John Paul Van Wert/Rank Studios 2018 (CC)</a>.

JAN 31, 2020 Article

Big Data, Surveillance, and the Tradeoffs of Internet Regulation

This essay written by Seungki Kim is the first prize winner of the high school category in the 2019 student essay contest. Should internet users be ...

Donald Trump meets with Xi Jinping in June 2019 at the G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan. CREDIT: <a href=https://www.flickr.com/photos/whitehouse/48162295476/>Official White House Photo/Shealah Craighead (CC)</a>.

JAN 30, 2020 Article

Hybrid Narratives and Competing with China

Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev responds to the new report released by the Center for a New American Security entitled "Rising to the China Challenge: Renewing ...

Harry S. Truman Building in Washington, DC, headquarters of the U.S. Department of State. CREDIT: <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:State_Department.jpg">Loren (CC)</a>

JAN 28, 2020 Podcast

Carnegie New Leaders Interview: Moving Foreign Policy Forward, with Elmira Bayrasli

In discussion with Brian Mateo, a member of the Carnegie New Leaders program, Elmira Bayrasli discusses her work as CEO of Foreign Policy Interrupted, an ...

Harry S. Truman Building in Washington, DC, headquarters of the U.S. Department of State. CREDIT: <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:State_Department.jpg">Loren (CC)</a>

JAN 28, 2020 Transcript

Carnegie New Leaders Interview: Moving Foreign Policy Forward, with Elmira Bayrasli

In discussion with Brian Mateo, a member of the Carnegie New Leaders program, Elmira Bayrasli discusses her work as CEO of Foreign Policy Interrupted, an ...

JAN 14, 2020 Podcast

Privacy, Surveillance, & the Terrorist Trap, with Tom Parker

How can investigators utilize new technology like facial recognition software while respecting the rights of suspects and the general public? What are the consequences of ...

DEC 18, 2019 Podcast

Gene Editing, Slow Science, & Public Empowerment, with Françoise Baylis

In the fourth podcast in Carnegie Council's gene editing podcast series, Dalhousie University's Professor Françoise Baylis, author of "Altered Inheritance," explains what "slow science" ...

DEC 11, 2019 Podcast

The Ethics of Gene Editing & Human Enhancement, with Julian Savulescu

What does "good ethics" means when it comes to gene editing? What types of conversations should we be having about this technology? Julian Savulescu, director ...