Emerging Technology

Framing ethical perspectives

Emerging Technologies are technologies whose development and/or practical applications are still largely unrealized. If left unchecked, these technologies could exacerbate inequality and empower autocrats, destabilize society, and destroy the concept of privacy. Carnegie Council’s events, experts, and impact initiatives, such as the Artificial Intelligence & Equality Initiative (AIEI), focus on the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and related technologies and aim to map the field, illuminate topics requiring further research, and build a diverse community of experts, with the goal of ensuring that AI is developed and deployed in a just, responsible, and inclusive manner.

Featured Emerging Technology Resources

Artificial intelligence, climate-altering technologies, and more

APR 9, 2024 Video

Algorithms of War: The Use of AI in Armed Conflict

From Gaza to Ukraine, the military applications of AI are fundamentally reshaping the ethics of war. How should policymakers navigate AI’s inherent trade-offs?

MAR 27, 2024 Article

The Specter of EMP Weapons in Space

Visiting Fellow Zhanna Malekos Smith details the danger of electromagnetic pulse weapons. How can nations protect themselves from this catastrophic threat?

Explore Our Emerging Technology Resources

Bruce Schneier. CREDIT: Amanda Ghanooni

JUN 1, 2017 Podcast

Privacy in a Digital Age - Carnegie UK Trust Seminar on Future of Public Libraries

This seminar, sponsored by the Carnegie UK Trust as part of a study tour on the future of public libraries, explores privacy and the role ...

Bruce Schneier. CREDIT: Amanda Ghanooni

JUN 1, 2017 Transcript

Privacy in a Digital Age - Carnegie UK Trust Seminar on Future of Public Libraries

This seminar, sponsored by the Carnegie UK Trust as part of a study tour on the future of public libraries, explores privacy and the role ...

MAY 9, 2017 Podcast

#Republic: Divided Democracy in the Age of Social Media

How is today's Internet driving political fragmentation, polarization, and even extremism—and what can be done about it? Legal scholar Cass Sunstein shares the results ...

Logo of Sputnik multimedia news agency via <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sputnik_logo.svg">Wikimedia</a>.

MAY 8, 2017 Article

The Grey War of Our Time: Information Warfare and the Kremlin's Weaponization of Digital Russian-Language News

"I argue that from 2008 to 2014, Moscow improved its ability to capitalize on the benefits of digital news—namely the unlimited publication space of digital media—...

APR 17, 2017 Podcast

Megatech: Technology in 2050

In this insightful interview, "Economist" executive editor Daniel Franklin discusses driverless cars, gene-editing, artificial intelligence, and much more. Are we entering an "accelerando" stage of ...

MAR 23, 2017 Podcast

The Gene Machine: How Genetic Technologies are Changing the Way We Have Kids—and the Kids We Have

Scientists already have the ability to edit genes to treat hereditary diseases, and to screen in vitro embyros for such diseases. Where will these evolving ...

Lt. Gen William J. "Bill" Bender. CREDIT: Frank Leitaõ

MAR 13, 2017 Podcast

Breaking Barriers: The Air Force and the Future of Cyberpower

The Air Force is heading America's efforts to modernize and secure its digital infrastructure and incorporate cyberspace into every aspect of its operations. Learn more ...

MAR 3, 2017 Podcast

A World in Disarray: American Foreign Policy and the Crisis of the Old Order

Concerned about where the world is heading? Don't miss this measured and comprehensive overview from Richard Haas, in which he lays out the global situation ...

FEB 27, 2017 Podcast

Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow

Soon, humankind may be able to replace natural selection with intelligent design and to create the first inorganic lifeforms, says Yuval Noah Harari. If so, ...

FEB 22, 2017 Podcast

Launch of Carnegie Climate Geoengineering Governance Initiative

C2G2 serves a vital purpose: connecting and mobilizing actors from many sectors of society to look at the very real possibilities of engineering the ...