Foreign Policy

Framing ethical perspectives

As countries grapple with global issues, such as climate change and the impact of emerging technology, the way that nations interact has never been more consequential. Our experts, programming, and impact initiatives work to analyze the foreign policy of the United States and other nations with an aim to explore shared values and produce agenda-setting resources.

Foreign Policy Resources

International affairs, global governance, and more

MAR 28, 2024 Podcast

The Humanization of Warfare: Ethics, Law, and Civilians in Conflict

APR 9, 2024 Video

Algorithms of War: The Use of AI in Armed Conflict

From Gaza to Ukraine, the military applications of AI are fundamentally reshaping the ethics of war. How should policymakers navigate AI’s inherent trade-offs?

MAR 28, 2024 Video

Unlocking Cooperation: The Global South and Global North

In the inaugural panel of the "Unlocking Cooperation" series, Ramu Damodaran leads a discussion on forging a path forward for Global South/North collaboration.

Explore Our Foreign Policy Resources

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) at the 2019 Women's March in New York City, January 2019. CREDIT: <a href="">Dimitri Rodriguez </a><a href="">(CC)</a>

MAY 7, 2019 Article

The Generational Divide?

As Millennials and "Generation Z" begin to enter the ranks of both American politics as well as the expert community, it is uncertain if they ...

MAY 3, 2019 Article

Back to Spheres of Influence?

National Security Adviser John Bolton's recent comments on Russia's interest in Venezuela bring back a concept prevalent in much earlier version of international affairs: spheres ...

Palace of the Parliament, Bucharest, Romania. CREDIT: <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=1280226">Erich Westendarp</a> from <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=1280226">Pixabay</a>

APR 5, 2019 Article

Romania: NATO's Frail Anchor in a Turbulent Black Sea

"This week, together with six other former communist bloc countries, Romania marks the 15th anniversary of its NATO accession," writes Theo Stan. "If it succeeds ...

Statue of Liberty. CREDIT: <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=267948">Ronile</a> from <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=267948">Pixabay</a>

APR 1, 2019 Article

Democratic Decline?

We are familiar with one type of democratic decline: the loss of faith by voters in institutions and politicians, the breakdown in trust in expertise ...

CREDIT: Amanda Ghanooni.

MAR 27, 2019 Podcast

How Safe Are We? Homeland Security Since 9/11, with Janet Napolitano

"Climate, cyber, then mass gun violence, sometimes motivated by terrorist ideology--and the ideology can most frequently be tied to far-right-wing extremism, sometimes tied to no ...

MAR 26, 2019 Podcast

The Crack-Up: Egypt & the Wilsonian Moment, with Erez Manela

For about 18 months after World War I there was what historian Erez Manela calls the "Wilsonian moment"--a brief period when President Woodrow Wilson led ...

MAR 25, 2019 Article

Coherence and Comprehensiveness: An American Foreign Policy Imperative

As the United States now confronts the prospect of a multi-faceted and quite possibly generational competition with China—underscored not only by recent Trump Administration ...

MAR 22, 2019 Article

America in Decline?

A Pew Research report says that many Americans view the country as being in long-term decline. What implications does this have for U.S. foreign ...

MAR 19, 2019 Podcast

The New Rules of War: Victory in the Age of Durable Disorder, with Sean McFate

"Nobody fights conventionally except for us anymore, yet we're sinking a big bulk, perhaps the majority of our defense dollars, into preparing for another conventional ...

MAR 14, 2019 Article

The Sicilian Expedition and the Dilemma of Interventionism

The Peloponnesian War has lessons for U.S. foreign policy beyond the Thucydides Trap. Johanna Hanink reminds us that the debate over moral exceptionalism and ...