
Framing ethical perspectives

Multilateralism refers to a group of nations working together for a common goal. It is at the heart of international relations as nation-states form alliances with like-minded countries to take on global issues, such as climate, emerging technology, inequality, and collective security. Carnegie Council sees multilateralism as essential to generating solutions to global problems and a critical component of an ethical present and future.

Featured Multilateralism Resources

Inclusivity, AI & climate governance, and more

FEB 27, 2024 Video

A Carnegie Council Conversation with the UK Home Secretary

MAR 28, 2024 Video

Unlocking Cooperation: The Global South and Global North

In the inaugural panel of the "Unlocking Cooperation" series, Ramu Damodaran leads a discussion on forging a path forward for Global South/North collaboration.

OCT 18, 2023 Video

Unlocking Cooperation: A Global Ethics Day Special Event

In this keynote event for Global Ethics Day 2023, Carnegie Council President Joel Rosenthal led a conversation on the psychology behind cooperation; ways that states, institutions, ...

Explore Our Multilateralism Resources

<a href="">Odessa's opera house</a> and the <a href="">May 2 riots</a> via Shutterstock

MAY 9, 2014 Podcast

Ukraine Update: Report from Odessa

With the deadly conflict in Ukraine spreading to this hitherto calm southern city, David Speedie speaks again with Dr. Nicolai Petro, professor of international relations ...

<a href="">Russian, Ukrainian, American flags</a> via Shutterstock

APR 24, 2014 Podcast

Ukraine and U.S.-Russian Relations

With balance and objectivity, seasoned Russian policy expert Tom Graham tackles the thorny question of Ukraine and the wider scope of U.S.-Russia relations ...

<a href="">Constitution Square</a> in Kharkiv, Ukraine via Shutterstock

APR 23, 2014 Podcast

Report from Ukraine: The Crisis Moves East

David Speedie discusses with Dr. Nicolai Petro, currently a Fulbright Fellow in Odessa, the recent outbreaks of violence in pro-Russia majority regions of Eastern Ukraine, ...

Huang Yu-fen & Wei Yang of the Sunflower Movement

APR 23, 2014 Podcast

Taiwan's Student Sunflower Movement: Interview with Two of its Leaders

In an unprecedented event this Spring, the Sunflower Student Movement occupied Taiwan's Legislative Yuan for over three weeks. The students finally withdrew after the government ...

1917 Poster, U.S. Food Administration, from the <a href="">National Archives</a>.

APR 17, 2014 Article

Jingo Unchained: What World War I Wrought

When we think about the centenary of World War I in 2014, we should consider first and foremost what it has meant for the life of ...

APR 16, 2014 Article

Dance of the Furies: Michael Neiberg on Europe and the Outbreak of World War I

"It is impossible for me to see how a Second World War, a Holocaust, a Cold War, a globally-engaged United States, and decolonization could happen ...

<a href="">Image</a> via Shutterstock

APR 16, 2014 Podcast

Iran and Nuclear Proliferation: Update with Joseph Cirincione

Joseph Cirincione, president of the Ploughshares Fund, discusses the status and prospects for the ongoing P5+1 talks in Vienna on Iran's nuclear program, and the ...


APR 14, 2014 Podcast

Asia's Cauldron: The South China Sea and the End of a Stable Pacific

No wonder the South China Sea is important to China, says Robert Kaplan. It's the Mediterranean of Asia, the center of international commerce, including energy ...

APR 11, 2014 Podcast

An Update from Ukraine

From Odessa, political scientist Dr. Nicolai Petro discusses the unrest in the eastern Donbas region and possibilities for a diplomatic resolution of the Ukraine crisis.

APR 4, 2014 Podcast

Iran's Nuclear Program: Status and Prospects for the P5+1 Negotiations

Discussions among the Iran and the P5 countries and Germany on the Iranian nuclear energy program are ongoing in Vienna. William O. Beeman, professor and ...