Carnegie Council Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev and host Alex Woodson discuss what U.S. foreign policy could look like if Democrats take Congress in November and/or the White House in 2020. What do Bernie Sanders' views on international affairs have in common with "America First"? Is there space for a more centrist policy? And after the 2016 election, is the U.S. still able to effectively promote democracy abroad?
This podcast references Gvosdev's July 2018 National Interest article, "Is a Democratic Blue Wave Really Coming," and a recent Center for American Progress report, "Securing a Democratic World," and Gvosdev's responding blog post.
The podcast also touches on Daniel Bessner's recent New York Times op-ed, "What Does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Think About the South China Sea?" and a panel that Gvosdev hosted on September 21, with Fordham University’s Asha Castleberry and Rand Corporation’s Ali Wyne, "Making Foreign Policy Relevant Again." For more from these panelists, check out Wyne's recent Global Ethics Weekly interview and Castleberry's January 2018 Carnegie New Leaders Podcast on Trump's National Security Strategy.