How Real is Virtual Reality? with David Chalmers

Aug 18, 2022 91 min listen

Might the world we live in be a simulation? Are the virtual environments being created real or illusions? What are the prospects for creating artificial consciousness? New York University's David Chalmers and Carnegie-Uehiro Fellow Wendell Wallach discuss Reality+, Chalmers' latest book, which probes the vast array of philosophical and ethical challenges posed by virtual reality and enhanced reality.

WENDELL WALLACH: I'm Wendell Wallach. Thank you all for joining us today. With Dave Chalmers, a leading figure in the philosophy of mind and of technology, as our guest this promises to be a fascinating workshop. We will be talking with Dave about his latest book Reality+: Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy.

In 1994, while he was still a graduate student at Indiana University, Dave Chalmers attended the very first Tucson Conference, focused on developing a science of consciousness, and at that conference he offered a fundamental distinction between the "hard" problem of explaining consciousness and the "easier" problems that are more likely to yield to scientific investigations. He instantaneously became the rock star of consciousness studies, a role he has upheld with intellectual rigor for almost three decades. While Dave continues to be best known for the hard problem in all modesty he says the difficulty in explaining consciousness was already well understood; he just a provided a term, a label, a useful distinction, or a meme for discussing it. David Chalmers is presently university professor of philosophy and natural science at New York University as well as co-director of NYU's Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness.

His recent book, published in January, Reality+ explores a vast array of philosophical questions posed by virtual reality (VR), augmented reality, and the metaverse. These range from the simulation hypothesis, a theory that our universe, the world we live in, might actually be a simulation, and it goes on to much more specific questions that may seem more real for many of us about the nature of the virtual worlds we are creating and whether experiences in them are illusions or must be understood in other ways. Reality+ is both a textbook and an introduction to philosophy and therefore accessible to educated readers, but it is also an original work of philosophy.

Dave, throughout Reality+ you make the case for virtual realism or simulated realism, that virtual reality is genuine reality. Can you please elucidate for our listeners what you mean by this?

Sure. First, let me say thanks, Wendell, for having me on your podcast. It is a pleasure to have this chance to talk in depth with you about these issues.

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