Tales from the Hype Beat: A Discussion with AI Reporter Will Knight

Oct 26, 2023 43 min listen

In this discussion with Senior Fellow Arthur Holland Michel, Wired senior writer Will Knight reflects on a busy decade of reporting on artificial intelligence. Taking a step back from the hype (and a deep breath), Knight and Holland Michel discuss whether a true AI revolution is actually upon us, consider how the technology is and is not governable, and talk about the experience of coming face to face with a military robot.

For more from Knight, check out his Wired archive.

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ARTHUR HOLLAND MICHEL: Hello. My name is Arthur Holland Michel, and I am a senior fellow at Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. This episode of the Carnegie Council podcast is brought to you in collaboration with the Peace Research Institute Oslo, as part of its RegulAIR project. RegulAIR is a multiyear research initiative about the integration of drones and other emerging technologies into everyday life.

I am incredibly excited to be joined today by Will Knight. Will is a senior writer for Wired magazine, where he covers artificial intelligence (AI) in all its many guises. Will’s reporting on AI is meticulous, preemptive, and I think most importantly in this day and age level-headed. He is beaming in today from Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Will, welcome to the show.

WILL KNIGHT: Thanks for having me, Arthur. I am very pleased to be here.

ARTHUR HOLLAND MICHEL: Why don’t you tell us a little bit more about what you actually do?

WILL KNIGHT: That is a great question. It comes a little bit around to the question of what AI is. My beat is AI. I have actually been writing about it for over a decade, I guess long before it was as interesting as it is now, because I was fascinated by it as this scientific endeavor, this idea of advancing machine intelligence, which is tied to the history of computing. More latterly, obviously AI has become this enormous phenomenon in the tech industry. I think of it as akin to software itself in the way that it is transforming the whole tech industry and any industry that is touched by technology.

You were asking what the thesis of my beat is, and I try to focus as much as possible on the most important questions when it comes to AI, the most important ramifications of the technology and how it touches upon the most important things I can think of, which I think often does come down to this idea of the power of particular companies, international relations, and the rights of individuals. It feels very much like this is a moment where this technology is tied up in those things. It is such a pervasive and important technology, but it is very much tied to issues of power, influence, and rights I think. That is an important thing.

There are a lot of people who do a great job of reporting on those things. I guess I balance my time between looking at some of the fundamental advances and trying to be strategic about what the important impacts are because I do think it is important to try to understand, especially right now, the technology itself and how it works. That is one of the most challenging things right now, in 2023, because we are seeing some crazy stuff unfold.

Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs is an independent and nonpartisan nonprofit. The views expressed within this podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the position of Carnegie Council.

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