Carnegie Council Centennial 1914-2014


To celebrate its 100th anniversary, Carnegie Council undertook an ambitious three-year project called Ethics for a Connected World.

JUN 18, 2014 Article

Cataclysm: David Stevenson on World War I as Political Tragedy

David Stevenson discusses the military and political decisions on both sides that led to World War I; the Eastern, Balkan, and Italian Fronts, which are ...

Joel Rosenthal headshot. CREDIT: Anadolu Agency

MAY 28, 2014 Article

Sarajevo is a Symbol: Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Assassination

In this interview with the Turkish news organization Andalou Agency, Carnegie Council President Joel Rosenthal explains the reasons behind the Council's upcoming visit to Sarajevo ...

Photo of Singapore postcard by Michael Schneider and photo of Staten Island Ferry postcard by Adam79 ( (CC)

MAY 21, 2014 Article

The Little Red Dot and the Land of the Free: Singapore and the United States

What defines your country? How do you perceive someone from a totally different background? Who would have guessed that an exchange between a Singaporean and ...

MAY 19, 2014 Article

The Long Shadow: David Reynolds on World War I

David Reynolds discusses the different ways the carnage of World War I is memorialized in Europe and its different long-term effects on Western and Eastern ...

July 1917: U.S. Secretary of War, blindfolded, draws the first number in the draft lottery.

MAR 24, 2014 Article

The Lost Promise of Patriotism: Jonathan Hansen on World War I (Part II)

"What does it mean to be patriotic in a nation founded on a set of putative universal principles and composed primarily of immigrants and their ...

From the cover of "The Lost Promise of Patriotism"

MAR 17, 2014 Article

The Lost Promise of Patriotism: Jonathan Hansen on World War I (Part I)

Jonathan Hansen refers to a group of American scholars, public intellectuals, and social reformers—such as W. E. B. Du Bois, Eugene V. Debs, Jane ...

From the cover of "To End All Wars"

FEB 27, 2014 Article

To End All Wars: Adam Hochschild on World War I

The consequences of World War I are still with us, says Adam Hochschild. Are we in danger of making the same mistakes again? Why were ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Joseph Voves</a> (<a href="">CC</a>).

JAN 31, 2014 Article

The Moral Operating System of a Global City: Los Angeles

For global cities to solve the central problem of collaboration among strangers, they need a moral operating system: shared codes and behaviors that enable people ...

JAN 1, 2014 Podcast

Is World Peace Possible?

Thought Leaders Michael Walzer, Bineta Diop, Rebecca MacKinnon, Thomas Pogge, Gillian Tett, Ethan Zuckerman, Carne Ross, Jay Winter, Peter Morales, Kishore Mahbubani, and Nancy Birdsall ...

JAN 1, 2014 Podcast

What Should Happen this Century?

Thought Leaders Dambisa Moyo, Alan Blinder, Kishore Mahbubani, Ethan Zuckerman, Fazle Hasan Abed, Kwame Anthony Appiah, Louise Arbour, Peter Morales, and Jonathan Sacks describe what ...