Carnegie Council Centennial 1914-2014


To celebrate its 100th anniversary, Carnegie Council undertook an ambitious three-year project called Ethics for a Connected World.

JAN 1, 2014 Podcast

How Do You Define Global Ethics?

Thought Leaders Jonathan Haidt, Rachel Kleinfeld, Iam Bremmer, Carne Ross, Andrew Nathan, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Michael Walzer, Gillian Tett, and Brent Scowcroft describe their visions of ...

JAN 1, 2014 Podcast

What Is Morally Distinct About Our Era?

Thought Leaders Michael Walzer, Jonathan Haidt, Kwame Anthony Appiah, Mary Robinson, Jonathan Sacks, Ian Bremmer, Joseph Nye, Kishore Mahbubani, Rebecca MacKinnon, Ethan Zuckerman, Louise Arbour, ...

JAN 1, 2014 Podcast

Is World Peace Possible?

Thought Leaders Michael Walzer, Bineta Diop, Rebecca MacKinnon, Thomas Pogge, Gillian Tett, Ethan Zuckerman, Carne Ross, Jay Winter, Peter Morales, Kishore Mahbubani, and Nancy Birdsall ...

JAN 1, 2014 Podcast

What Does Moral Leadership Mean?

Thought Leaders Gillian Tett, Robert Kaplan, Bineta Diop, Carne Ross, Rachel Kleinfeld, Jay Winter, Jessica Jackley, Lawrence Freedman, and Somaly Mam describe what moral leadership ...

JAN 1, 2014 Podcast

Who Is Ultimately Accountable?

Thought Leaders Ethan Zuckerman, Carne Ross, Chan Heng Chee, Thomas Pogge, Jonathan Sacks, Rachel Kleinfeld, Enrique Penalosa, Brent Scowcroft, and Ian Bremmer describe who is ...

NOV 21, 2013 Podcast

Symposium at the Scottish Parliament: From War to a Global Ethic

Is it possible to create a global code of ethics? In this Carnegie Council Centennial Symposium at the Scottish Parliament, the panelists discuss Andrew Carnegie's ...

NOV 12, 2013 Podcast

Citizenship Within and Across Nations

Philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah explores the role of civic honor, and its negative counterpart, shame, in shaping the political behavior of individuals and of nations, ...

OCT 28, 2013 Article

A Letter to Andrew Carnegie on the Eve of the Council's Centennial

From our vantage point 100 years on, Andrew Carnegie got some things right and others wrong; but the core issue remains the same. "Today's Carnegie Council ...

SEP 27, 2013 Article

Ethical Challenges in Trans-Pacific Relations: Selected Essays, 2013 Contest

Carnegie Council presents the 12 best essays from our 2013 Trans-Pacific Contest, a pioneering exercise in student collaboration. These outstanding pieces touch on issues ranging from the ...

CREDIT: Devin Stewart

JUL 11, 2013 Article

Globalization Is the Unsung Champion of the Protests Happening Around the World

Through the late 80s and 90s, protests everywhere from Berlin to Seattle revealed a common target of public unrest: globalization. Now, however, globalization has become ...