Public Affairs


Public Affairs hosted speakers who are prominent people in the world of international affairs, from acclaimed authors, to Nobel laureates, to high-ranking UN officials.

MAR 10, 2016 Podcast

The Industries of the Future

Driverless cars, designer babies, crypto currencies, cyber warfare, pervasive "sousveillance" that erodes our privacy, often with our consent--what are the upsides and downsides of this ...

Peter Sutherland, United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration.<br> CREDIT: Amanda Ghanooni

MAR 1, 2016 Podcast

The Refugee/Migrant Crisis

The migrant/refugee crisis is a defining moral issue for our generation, declares Peter Sutherland, UN special representative on international migration. And proximity should not ...

FEB 15, 2016 Podcast

What Went Wrong in the Arab Spring?

In the early days of the Arab Spring, non-violent civil resistance helped topple authoritarian governments in Tunisia, Egypt, and Yemen. Yet these apparent triumphs were ...

FEB 11, 2016 Podcast

In Europe's Shadow: Two Cold Wars and a Thirty-Year Journey Through Romania and Beyond

"What is Europe? Where is it going in this current crisis?" The answers are all here, from what Kaplan describes as the redivision of Europe ...

JAN 25, 2016 Podcast

The Unprecedented Jihadi Threat in Europe

"At this very moment, ISIS is recruiting probably 100 people a week from all over the world, including this very country. So it is not a ...

JAN 15, 2016 Podcast

Winter is Coming: Why Vladimir Putin and the Enemies of the Free World Must be Stopped

Garry Kasparov is an outspoken critic of Vladimir Putin's authoritarianism, but he is equally critical of the United States and its allies for their unwillingness ...

JAN 14, 2016 Podcast

Humans Need Not Apply: A Guide to Wealth and Work in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

"Artificial intelligence" is a misnomer, says computer scientist Jerry Kaplan. Machines are not intelligent; their programmers are. What we're seeing is a huge acceleration of ...

Detail from book cover

DEC 15, 2015 Podcast

Violence All Around

What is terrorism, and how is it different from other violence? How does technology affect rates of violence? How and when can nonviolence be effective? ...

DEC 9, 2015 Podcast

The State of the European Union: Challenges for the Future

Yes, says former EU Commission president José Manuel Barroso, the European Union is facing extraordinary challenges. But the EU also possesses extraordinary resilience and resources. ...

Detail from book cover

DEC 4, 2015 Podcast

Sinai: Egypt's Linchpin, Gaza's Lifeline, Israel's Nightmare

The Sinai, this crucial land bridge connecting Asia and Africa, has become a haven for transnational crime, fostering arms trafficking, smuggling through the tunnels into ...