All Things Have Standing

Welcome to All Things Have Standing, a new course in human psychology and the ethics of artificial intelligence presented by Carnegie Council in collaboration with Fighter Steel Education.

Inspired by a powerful ethical idea from the recently released audio drama Spark Hunter (a futuristic story of a highly advanced AI experiencing existential crisis), the All Things Have Standing course is divided into four distinct parts, each with multiple lesson modules.

We invite you to take advantage of this free course by accessing the video lessons below or listening on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and most other places where you get your podcasts.

View the Trailer

All Things Have Standing provides a forum for learning and discussion around the themes of artificial intelligence and environmental ethics and justice, the psychology and philosophy which underlie them, and the extraordinary challenges they raise for the global community.

The first two parts titled "Our Stories" and "Others' Stories" are available now and the final two lessons titled "Earth's Stories" and "Future Stories" will be released in the coming weeks.

Part 1: Our Stories

Lesson 1.1 | Introduction

From birth and the beginnings of thought, to a future now upon us, we seek to comprehend radical things in our new world: changes in the Earth and smart machines in human form. Is this a cause for wariness, wonder, or abject terror? Has meaning abandoned us? Or, have we abandoned meaning? Confronted with complex psychological, technical, ethical, and legal challenges, we search for a practical conception of the notion of “being” itself.

For Episode 1 as a podcast, click here: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

Part 2: Others’ Stories

Lesson 2.1 | Introduction

Helping find our relationship to others is the central challenge of ethics. Since antiquity, humans have debated what that relationship should be. What is good and evil? What is caring? With a world in pain, care and goodness seem inadequate to meet the challenges of our time. Is there a way of ethical thinking–a way of being–that might serve as a starting point for confronting the great existential problems of our time?

For Episode 2, as a podcast, click here: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

Part 3: Earth's Stories

Lesson 3.1 | Introduction

Prof. Solomon recaps the ethical framework developed in Part 2 – that all things have standing – and introduces us to one of its major applications, the care of our Earth. We explore what that ethical and legal landscape looks like with scholar and activist Dianne Dillon-Ridgley and legal respondent, Kathy Robb.

Part 4 | Future Stories

4.1 | Introduction

Lead scholar Prof. Sheldon Solomon introduces Part 4, an exploration of the ethics of creating, deploying, and living with artificial general intelligence (AGI) – machines with human level cognition and emotional intelligence, or better. Is designing a moral machine possible? If all things have standing, how should we listen to and see these new beings in our world, perhaps misleadingly called “inanimate”? Or at least, can trying to answer that question guide us in designing machines that can live safely and with benevolent purpose in human society?