C2GTalk: How might solar radiation modification be put on the international governance agenda? with Marc Vanheukelen 

Nov 29, 2021

It is important to reflect internationally on climate-altering approaches such as solar radiation modification, in case the world is not capable of meeting the mitigation challenge, says Marc Vanheukelen, the European External Action Service's ambassador at large for climate diplomacy, during a "C2GTalk" interview. But these approaches should not become an "alibi for inaction."

This interview was recorded on May 25, 2021, and is available with interpretation into 中文, Español, and Français.

It is important to reflect internationally on climate-altering approaches such as Solar Radiation Modification, in case the world is not capable of meeting the mitigation challenge, says Marc Vanheukelen the European External Action Service’s ambassador at large for climate diplomacy during a C2GTalk interview. But these approaches should not become an "alibi for inaction."

International governance will be needed, but strategically it is best not to move too quickly, but rather first familiarize smaller groups with these ideas, at the expert level, and then to start moving these ideas gradually up the policy ladder as discussions gain traction.

Marc Vanheukelen is "hors classe" adviser and ambassador at large for climate diplomacy at the EU’s External Action Service. From 2015 till 2019 he was the EU ambassador to the World Trade Organisation in Geneva. Prior to his ambassadorial posting, Vanheukelen was director in DG TRADE (European Commission) responsible for sustainable development, economic partnership agreements, and agri-food and fisheries, preceded by his role as head of cabinet for former EU Trade Commissioner Karel de Gucht. He has also served as head of cabinet to the former Belgian minister for foreign affairs.

For more, including an edited transcript, please go to C2G's website.

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