Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative (C2G)

C2G publishes conversations with experts in three formats: C2GTalk, C2GDiscuss, and C2GLearn.

C2GTalk is a series of one on one interviews with influential practitioners and thought leaders to explore the governance challenges raised by emerging approaches to alter the climate. Discussions touch on a range of ethical, cultural, economic, and political issues, whilst staying grounded in the practical and personal experiences of our guests.

C2GDiscuss is a series of moderated in-depth conversations between diverse experts on some of the governance challenges of climate-altering approaches. They aim to encourage an engaging conversation about some of the toughest questions faced by decision-makers on climate change, now and in the future.

C2GLearn is a series of online events, designed to catalyze learning about climate-altering approaches and their governance. Featuring leading international experts and practitioners, events include both formal webinars and informal "campfire chats," convened regularly throughout the year, with opportunities for questions and answers.

C2GDiscuss: From Net Zero to Net Negative: Policy Implications for Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)

Recent Episodes

JUN 13, 2022 Podcast

C2GTalk: How is the UNESCWA supporting Arab states in the green transition? with Rola Dashti

Countries in the Arab region are seeking substitutes to oil so they can diversify their economies and mitigate the impact of fossil fuels production. Rola ...

MAY 31, 2022 Podcast

C2GTalk: Should the world consider solar radiation modification in light of the latest IPCC findings? with Thelma Krug

More research and better governance is needed to help developing countries make decisions about solar radiation modification (SRM), says Thelma Krug, vice-chair of the Intergovernmental ...

MAY 2, 2022 Podcast

C2GTalk: How has the governance of solar radiation modification progressed in recent years? with Oliver Morton

The debate around solar radiation modification has broadened in recent years, but there has not yet been significant progress on international mechanisms to govern it, ...

MAR 21, 2022 Podcast

C2GTalk: How does society view solar radiation modification experiments? with Sheila Jasanoff

It is important to see proposed solar radiation modification experiments in a wider social context, says Sheila Jasanoff, the Pforzheimer Professor of Science and Technology ...

MAR 14, 2022 Podcast

C2GTalk: Should scientists be allowed to do outdoor research on solar radiation modification? with Ken Caldeira

Over the last two decades, solar radiation modification has gone from an intellectual experiment to something people are seriously considering, says pioneering climate scientist Ken ...

FEB 7, 2022 Podcast

C2GDiscuss: From Net Zero to Net Negative: Policy Implications for Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)

According to the IPCC, large-scale carbon dioxide removal (CDR) is required in all of its pathways to limit global warming to 1.5°C. In this "C2...

JAN 31, 2022 Podcast

C2GDiscuss: Ocean-Based Climate Altering Approaches in Context: the Ocean-Climate Nexus

The oceans and climate change are inextricably connected. On the one hand, the oceans are faced with significant threats posed by climate change through acidification, ...

JAN 24, 2022 Podcast

C2GDiscuss: Exploring the role of trees in large-scale carbon dioxide removal

C2G Executive Director Janos Pasztor leads a diverse group of policy, intergovernmental, independent research organization, NGO, and academic experts in a discussion about the ...

JAN 18, 2022 Podcast

C2GDiscuss: Governing Solar Radiation Modification Research: Insights from Marine Cloud Brightening and the Great Barrier Reef

In response to climate change risks, scientists are considering the viability of developing and deploying marine cloud brightening (MCB), which seeks to whiten clouds over ...

JAN 18, 2022 Podcast

C2GDiscuss: An Introduction to the Series, with C2G Executive Director Janos Pasztor

"C2GDiscuss" is a series of moderated in-depth conversations between diverse experts on some of the governance challenges of climate-altering approaches. In this podcast, Mark ...