This series featured speakers from very different backgrounds, countries, and professions. What they have in common are strongly held moral convictions and a passionate commitment to their work, which makes for memorable conversations.
JUN 27, 2018 • Podcast
From Enemies to Partners: Vietnam, the U.S., & Agent Orange, with Charles R. Bailey
The Vietnam War ended over 40 years ago, but the U.S. and Vietnam are still coming to terms with the legacy of the toxic herbicide ...

MAY 3, 2018 • Podcast
Poverty Reduction & Social Welfare in China, with Qin Gao
Professor Qin Gao, director of Columbia's China Center for Social Policy, explains the workings of the Chinese "Dibao" (limited income guarantee) system. "Dibao is doing ...

MAY 2, 2018 • Podcast
Promoting Human Rights in the Developing World, with American Jewish World Service's Robert Bank
Growing up in Apartheid-era South Africa, Robert Bank cared about social injustice from an early age. Today he travels the world for AJWS, working with ...

APR 3, 2018 • Podcast
The Dangers of a Digital Democracy, with Rana Foroohar
The revelations about the misuse of Facebook data have started a pushback against the top five big tech companies: Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google. ...

MAR 21, 2018 • Podcast
The Case for Universal Basic Income, with Andrew Yang
Automation is causing the greatest shift in human history and will put millions of Americans out of work, says entrepreneur and 2020 presidential candidate Andrew Yang. ...
MAR 15, 2018 • Podcast
The U.S. Foreign Service and the Importance of Professional Diplomacy, with Nicholas Kralev
Professional diplomats are made not born, says Nicholas Kralev of the Washington International Diplomatic Academy. It's not enough to be a people person: training is ...

MAR 13, 2018 • Podcast
The Lost History of Prosecuting Axis War Crimes, with Dan Plesch
Before Nuremberg--indeed, long before the end of the war--there was the United Nations War Crimes Commission, a little-known agency which assisted national governments in putting ...

MAR 8, 2018 • Podcast
Economics, Peace, Security, and "Women's Issues" with Ambassador Melanne Verveer
We have made tremendous progress, but there's still a long way to go, says Melanne Verveer, head of Georgetown's Institute for Women, Peace and Security ...

FEB 27, 2018 • Podcast
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century, with Timothy Snyder
Can tyranny happen here? asks historian Timothy Snyder. His chilling answer is, "it can happen, it happens to people like us, and it is happening ...

JAN 17, 2018 • Podcast
The Ukrainian Night: An Intimate History of Revolution, with Marci Shore
"'Likes' don't count," was the rallying cry that first brought people to the Maidan. In this remarkable conversation, Marci Shore explores what it means "to ...