Statue of Blind Justice, Albert V. Bryan Federal District Courthouse, Alexandria, VA. CREDIT: <a href="">Tim Evanson</a> <a href="">(CC)</a>
Statue of Blind Justice, Albert V. Bryan Federal District Courthouse, Alexandria, VA. CREDIT: Tim Evanson (CC)

"War on Terror," an Insider's View: A Conversation with Harold H. Koh

Feb 28, 2014


TV Show



As legal adviser to the State Department from 2009 to 2013, Harold Koh was responsible for making judgments about the most difficult issues in the "war on terror": drone strikes, military tribunals, preventive detention. This fascinating and revealing conversation explores Koh's moral convictions and the inner workings of government.

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CREDIT: <a href="">UK Ministry of Defence</a>

MAR 19, 2013 Article

Drones: Legal, Ethical, and Wise?

The U.S. drone program raises serious ethical concerns, particularly about accountability and due process. Congress, with support from President Obama, must develop new oversight ...