President's Desk

Carnegie Council President Joel H. Rosenthal shares his latest insights and analysis, translating ethics, analyzing democracy, and examining our increasingly interconnected world.

Recent Articles, Events, & Podcasts

AUG 20, 2010 Article

Can We Succeed Where Carnegie Failed?

The same Dunfermline-born Andrew Carnegie who spent his wealth on funding libraries and other grand institutions across Britain and America died a disappointed man, having ...

AUG 18, 2010 Article

Is Peace Worth Fighting For?

Transcript of a speech at a August 18, 2010 Scottish Parliament’s Festival of Politics event, “Is Peace Worth Fighting For?“ “My remarks today are inspired not ...

JAN 19, 2010 Article

Obama and God

As President Obama completes his first year in office, little attention has been given to a question that sparked raucous argument during the campaign. How ...

AUG 28, 2009 Article

Realism as Pragmatic Cooperation

I would like to begin my presentation by telling you a bit about the Carnegie Council—and specifically, the word “ethics” in our title. This ...

JUL 18, 2009 Article

Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism

Let me begin with a simple claim. We live today in a globalized world that challenges us morally. While globalization may be a fuzzy concept, ...