President's Desk

Carnegie Council President Joel H. Rosenthal shares his latest insights and analysis, translating ethics, analyzing democracy, and examining our increasingly interconnected world.

Recent Articles, Events, & Podcasts

MAR 4, 2004 Article

From Andrew Carnegie to Hans Morgenthau: A Lesson in Ethics and International Affairs

Carnegie and Morgenthau make an instructive pairing. Carnegie, an idealist, stood for “never again war,” while Morgenthau stood for “never again genocide.” Nobody wants to ...

AUG 19, 2003 Article

Shall We Call It An Empire?

The projection of American power inspires the great debate of our time. Is the United States a twenty-first century empire, and if so, what kind? ...

APR 22, 2003 Article

A New Turn in the New War

The war on terrorism began with moral clarity and a widely accepted road map for immediate action. For eighteen months there was strong international consensus ...

JUN 19, 2002 Article

The Politics of Moral Absolutes

Over a year ago, President Bush and his foreign policy team took office determined to carve out a path different from their predecessors. Emphasizing core ...

MAY 20, 1999 Article

Evaluating Justice and Reconciliation Efforts

There seems to be a great desire for what some people have called “moral accounting” at the end of the 20th century. For example, the ...