Technosocial Contract

About the Technosocial Contract

The Technosocial Contract is a new content series curated by the Carnegie Artificial Intelligence & Equality Initiative (AIEI) that examines the 21st-century relationship between technologies and society.

Recent Articles

MAY 25, 2022 Article

Digital Platforms & Democracy: Opportunities to Evolve Together

Social technologies, digital transformation, and related trends are often pitted against democracy. Nicholas Davis argues that there are opportunities for democracy and digital platforms to ...

OCT 19, 2021 Article

Let’s Start a Conversation About the Technosocial Contract

The last 30 years have seen a rising tide of technological mediation of individual lives. Half of the planet has Internet access, and international organizations are ...

OCT 19, 2021 Article

Why the Social Contract Must Become the Technosocial Contract

The human condition is a technological condition. Technologies are at the heart of how we live together, understand ourselves, make meaning, know the world around ...