Competing Priorities and Generational Dynamics at the Doorstep

Oct 24, 2023 86 min listen

Does a "national interest" articulated largely from a Washington, DC perspective connect with the "doorstep" interests and concerns of citizens across a large and diverse country? As we come to the end of several important cycles in world affairs—the close of the post-Cold War era and the beginning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution—how might a new generation of Americans redefine the goals and purpose of U.S. global engagement?

This special Doorstep episode was recorded live at The Ohio State University on Global Ethics Day.

Competing Priorities & Generational Dynamics Spotify podcast link Competing Priorities and Generations Doorstep Apple podcast link

Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs is an independent and nonpartisan nonprofit. The views expressed within this event are those of the panelists and do not necessarily reflect the position of Carnegie Council.

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