First gun fired at Naval Weapons Station Dahlgren, Virginia, 1918. CREDIT: <a href="">U.S. Navy/Public Domain</a>
First gun fired at Naval Weapons Station Dahlgren, Virginia, 1918. CREDIT: U.S. Navy/Public Domain

The Living Legacy of WWI: Merchants of Death? The Politics of Defense Contracting, with Christopher Capozzola

May 8, 2018


In the 1930s during the run-up to WWII, many argued that arms manufacturers and bankers--"merchants of death"--had conspired to manipulate the U.S. into entering WWI. What is or should be the role of the profit motive in preparing for war? "This is a debate that is no less important now," says MIT's Christopher Capozzola, "but we are not having it, and we are not including all the people in that debate who need to be participating in it."

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