MAR 25, 2002 • Article
Human Rights Dialogue (1994–2005): Series 2, No. 7 (Winter 2002): Integrating Human Rights and Peace Work: Articles: Principle versus Pragmatism
Christine Bell argues that in the case of Northern Ireland the division between human rights and “community relations” groups reflects a fundamental disagreement over the ...
MAR 25, 2002 • Article
Human Rights Dialogue (1994–2005): Series 2, No. 7 (Winter 2002): Integrating Human Rights and Peace Work: Articles: Challenging Restorative Justice
Richard Wilson contends that the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission was not effective in creating a new culture of human rights. Vasuki Nesiah and ...

MAR 6, 2002 • Podcast
After September 11: Shifting Priorities for Global Justice (New York Forum #4)
How should nation-states and other actors balance responsibilities to mitigate unnecessary suffering worldwide with obligations to promote security and ensure justice for victims of terrorist ...

FEB 20, 2002 • Podcast
Ending Terrorism: A Strategy for the Future (New York Forum #3)
The U.S. has set out to end terrorism. But can it achieve this objective while also maintaining a strategic balance in an area of ...
JAN 7, 2002 • Podcast
Ethics and Military Force: The Jus in Bello
Professor Schmitt of the German-American Marshall Center discusses the intersection of law and ethics in the use of military force. He explores some important "stressors" ...
DEC 17, 2001 • Podcast
The "War" on Terrorism: What Rules Apply? (New York Forum #1)
The attacks of September 11 have been described, variously, as "crimes," "acts of war," or "genocide." Does characterizing the attacks in these different ways change the ...
DEC 2, 2001 • Article
Human Rights Dialogue (1994–2005): Series 2, No. 6 (Spring/Summer 2001): Rights and the Struggle for Health: Articles: Introduction: Rights and the Struggle for Health
We argue for the right to a standard of living adequate for health and well-being, but poverty and lack of health protection are also indirectly ...
NOV 19, 2001 • Article
Feature Articles from Inprint Newsletter (2001–2004): Milosevic in The Hague: Trial or Error?
The Milosevic case sends a powerful message to other would-be tyrants that they, too, could be held accountable for their crimes. Yet some find this ...