DEC 5, 1999 • Article
Human Rights Dialogue (1994–2005): Series 2, No. 1 (Winter 2000): Human Rights for All? The Problem of the Human Rights Box: Articles: To Our Readers: Human Rights for All? The Problem of the Human Rights Box
In this issue we examine the barriers that prevent a broad cross-section of people from embracing and benefiting from human rights.
OCT 9, 1999 • Article
The High Road and the Low Road to International Competitiveness
Is there an alternative to wage- and benefit-cutting in the face of the heightened competitive pressure created by globalization?
JUN 9, 1999 • Article
Ethics, Actors, and Global Economic Architecture
Report based on a workshop on Ethics, Actors, and Global Economic Architecture at the Pocantico Conference Center of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, June 3-5, 1999.
MAY 20, 1999 • Article
Evaluating Justice and Reconciliation Efforts
There seems to be a great desire for what some people have called “moral accounting” at the end of the 20th century. For example, the ...
MAY 12, 1999 • Article
Morgenthau Lectures (1981–2006): National Interest in the Information Age
Nye provides several reasons why the information age is likely to enhance rather than diminish American power.
DEC 31, 1998 • Article
Public Philosophy Monographs (1998): Community, Contract, and the Death of Social Citizenship
This article traces the death of the idea of social citizenship--a consensus among the public that citizens are entitled to social as well as civil ...
DEC 30, 1998 • Article
Public Philosophy Monographs (1998): Is There a Public Philosophy in Central-Eastern Europe? Equity and Distribution 'Then' and 'Now'
After the regime change in Hungary the neoliberal/neoconservative orthodoxy has emerged as the dominant public philosophy, breaking the bonds between and within generations, between ...
DEC 13, 1998 • Article
Public Philosophy Monographs (1998): Social Policy in the UK: Creating a New Social Contract
The monographs, and the program, aim to develop a more nuanced understanding of the values underlying public policies in this era of globalization.