Adam Read-Brown is the editor of Carnegie Council's journal, Ethics & International Affairs.
He holds an MIA in international security policy from Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), where he also studied international media, advocacy, and communications. While at SIPA he was a senior editor at Columbia's Journal of International Affairs and a member of the International Fellows Program. He interned with the United Nations Development Programme's Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery.
Read-Brown previously worked as an editor for McGraw-Hill Education and as an English teacher in Vietnam. He received a BA in English literature from Wesleyan University in Connecticut.
Featured Work

MAY 4, 2023 • Article
A New Era for "Ethics & International Affairs"
The editors of Carnegie Council's quarterly journal "Ethics & International Affairs" are proud to announce the beginning of a new era in our publishing history. Starting ...

OCT 22, 2020 • Podcast
The United Nations at 75: Looking Back to Look Forward, Episode 2, with Maria Ivanova
University of Massachusetts Boston's Dr. Maria Ivanova speaks about the UN's efforts on climate change, focusing on the role of the United Nations Environment Programme (...

JAN 27, 2020 • Podcast
Just War, Unjust Soldiers, & American Public Opinion, with Scott D. Sagan
Do soldiers fighting for a "just cause" have more rights than soldiers fighting on the other side? In this interview following up on an "Ethics & ...

JAN 29, 2019 • Podcast
Toward a Human-Centric Approach to Cybersecurity, with Ronald Deibert
Discussions around cybersecurity often focus on the security and sovereignty of states, not individuals, says Professor Ronald Deibert, founder and director of University of Toronto's ...

JUL 31, 2018 • Podcast
Migration & Citizenship in the Capitalist State, with Lea Ypi
"In both political debates and academic debates on migration the question of class is often missed," says London School of Economics' Lea Ypi. "When we ...

MAY 7, 2018 • Podcast
Crime and Global Justice: The Dynamics of International Punishment, with Daniele Archibugi
Are we witnessing a new era of cosmopolitan justice or are the old principles of victors' justice still in play? Economic and political theorist Daniele ...

OCT 2, 2017 • Podcast
After Liberal Hegemony: The Advent of a Multiplex World Order with Amitav Acharya
The liberal order was never truly a global order, and we're not entering a multipolar era either, says Amitav Acharya. It's more accurate to call ...

DEC 15, 2016 • Podcast
A Conversation on Effective Altruism with Jennifer Rubenstein
The term effective altruism means that individuals should be sure to maximize the good they do, by donating to the most cost-effective charities, for example, ...

SEP 28, 2016 • Podcast
Karin Aggestam on Sweden's Feminist Foreign Policy
In 2015, the newly formed Swedish government not only declared that it was going to be a feminist government but its foreign minister, Margot Wallström, ...

AUG 16, 2016 • Podcast
Interview with Robert Sparrow on Autonomous Weapon Systems and Respect in Warfare
Professor Sparrow works on ethical issues raised by new technologies. Here he discusses Autonomous Weapon Systems (AWS), often referred to as "killer robots." Unlike drones, ...