Alex Woodson

Editorial Manager & Digital Content Producer, Carnegie Council

Alex Woodson is editorial manager and digital content producer at Carnegie Council. He was the host of Global Ethics Review and the Carnegie New Leaders Podcast and was contributing editor for Policy Innovations.

Woodson previously worked as a reporter for The Hollywood Reporter, mostly covering digital media news, and as a contributing writer for the United Nations Association's The Interdependent. He has also worked for Scholastic and the National Basketball Association.

In addition, he has interned at Council on Foreign Relations, Worldwatch Institute, and InterAction.

Woodson is a graduate of New York University, where he received a BA in journalism. He also received an MA in global communication from The George Washington University's Elliott School of International Affairs.

Featured Work

Joe Biden in Des Moines, Iowa, August 2019. CREDIT: <a href="">Gage Skidmore</a> <a href="">(CC)</a>

MAR 4, 2020 Podcast

Biden, Sanders, & Foreign Policy after Super Tuesday, with Nikolas Gvosdev

Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev looks at the foreign policy discussions after Super Tuesday, with only Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders left with realistic chances at ...

CREDIT: <a href="">pxhere (CC)</a>

FEB 24, 2020 Podcast

The Future of Artificial Intelligence, with Stuart J. Russell

UC Berkley's Professor Stuart J. Russell discusses the near- and far-future of artificial intelligence, including self-driving cars, killer robots, governance, and why he's worried that ...

FEB 11, 2020 Podcast

Killer Robots, Ethics, & Governance, with Peter Asaro

Peter Asaro, co-founder of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control, has a simple solution for stopping the future proliferation of killer robots, or lethal ...

FEB 5, 2020 Podcast

Democratic Candidates & Foreign Policy after Iowa, with Nikolas Gvosdev

With the (incomplete) results of the Iowa Caucus putting the spotlight on Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders, what do we know about their foreign policy ...

Ottoman Empire map with partitions, part of the memoranda for the 1919 Paris Peace Conference. CREDIT: <a href="">Stanfords Geographical Establishment London/Public Domain</a>

JAN 31, 2020 Podcast

The Crack-Up: The Birth of the Modern Middle East, with Ted Widmer

At the end of World War I, colonial powers carved up the Ottoman Empire and the reverberations are still being felt today. Historian Ted Widmer ...

JAN 14, 2020 Podcast

Privacy, Surveillance, & the Terrorist Trap, with Tom Parker

How can investigators utilize new technology like facial recognition software while respecting the rights of suspects and the general public? What are the consequences of ...

DEC 18, 2019 Podcast

Gene Editing, Slow Science, & Public Empowerment, with Françoise Baylis

In the fourth podcast in Carnegie Council's gene editing podcast series, Dalhousie University's Professor Françoise Baylis, author of "Altered Inheritance," explains what "slow science" ...

DEC 11, 2019 Podcast

The Ethics of Gene Editing & Human Enhancement, with Julian Savulescu

What does "good ethics" means when it comes to gene editing? What types of conversations should we be having about this technology? Julian Savulescu, director ...

DEC 2, 2019 Podcast

Gene Editing Governance & Dr. He Jiankui, with Jeffrey Kahn

Jeffrey Kahn, director of the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute for Bioethics, discusses the many governance issues connected to gene editing. Plus, he gives a first-hand ...

NOV 20, 2019 Podcast

Gene Editing: Overview, Ethics, & the Near Future, with Robert Klitzman

In the first in a series of podcasts on gene editing, Columbia's Dr. Robert Klitzman provides an overview of the technology, ethical and governance issues, ...