Ali Soufan

The Soufan Group


Ali Soufan is chairman and CEO of the Soufan Group and a former FBI supervisory special agent. During his time at the FBI, he worked on the Joint Terrorism Task Force in New York, where he coordinated both domestic and international counterterrorism operations.

Soufan is the author of the best-selling The Black Banners: The Inside Story of 9/11 and the War Against al Qaeda, for which he won the 2012 Ridenhour Book Prize.

Featured Work

L to R: Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou, Ali Soufan, Seamus Hughes. CREDIT: Frank Leitaõ

DEC 12, 2016 Podcast

Foreign Fighters, Homegrown Terrorism, and the Prevention of Violent Extremism

What are the driving forces behind the increase in homegrown terrorism and what can be done to stop it? Ali Soufan and Seamus Hughes, veterans ...