Ashley Bommer was chief of staff to Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, vice chairman of Perseus, a leading private equity firm.
She was a Carnegie Council New Leader (2005-2006) and worked at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations during the Clinton Administration.Featured Work

MAR 2, 2007 • Article
Three Suggestions For How To Improve Matters in Iraqi Kurdistan
The danger Kurdistan faces is overwhelming. Their peripheral region falls between two hostile capitals, Ankara and Tehran. Below, what is now known as the world’...

DEC 18, 2006 • Article
ROUNDTABLE: Baluchistan and the War on Terror
Is the rugged province of Baluchistan a haven for al-Qaeda and the Taliban? How do Pakistanis and Afghans view the situation there?
JUL 13, 2006 • Article
We Could Fight Drugs Together
In the growing confrontation between the United States and Iran, there is one area which has been overlooked and could provide an area of mutual ...